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Tag: goals

BUT Management April – Putting ‘me’ first

Oh my! Easter! BUT Management took a bit of a hit, needless to say. I really did wimp out and fall for every trick in the book, but I’m BACK and I’ve taken steps in the right direction and those BUTs have been locked firmly into a cupboard (although at least one seems to squeeze out through the keyhole on a daily basis – oops). Two major changes since my last post have led to a much more positive-looking few months ahead. From mid-2017 up until January of this year my headspace was in an extremely...

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Pre-Season Organisation Task

Right! It’s here – time to get seriously organised. I’m getting a bit scared now, although I’m not sure why because there is nothing hugely frightening about the task. I’m already a planner and a Queen of List-making. I have so many notebooks lying around where I plan weekly meals and my shopping and I have workout log books and running log books, training plans and lots of mini goals …. so why the nerves? Actually, at the time of writing I’m thinking...

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